Diana Divecha, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist and an assistant clinical professor with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. She collaborates with Center researchers on RULER’s approach to bullying prevention, as well as on thought leadership and informing public opinion on the relevance of emotional intelligence.
Diana served on the psychology faculty of Sonoma State University in northern California where she co-founded and chaired the Department of Human Development. She taught courses on development from birth through the period of emerging adulthood, with a special emphasis on cognitive development, culture, and the development of the self.
Diana has worked with children with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and severe behavior problems. She has guided parent education in several schools in the San Francisco Bay Area. She currently writes about research on children’s development and advises organizations, like the Greater Good Science Center and Futures Without Violence, on matters pertaining to children and families. Her website is developmentalscience.com.