RULER Offering
RULER adoption begins with a six-week online RULER Institute for three people per school (a principal and two educators or mental health professionals in the school), that form a school’s RULER implementation team. This team is responsible for setting and evaluating goals related to implementation, impact, and sustainability. In addition, YCEI conducts annual performance management assessments to monitor progress and provide additional implementation supports as necessary. The aim of the first year is to obtain school-wide buy-in, instill a mindset that emotions matter, provide practice in developing emotional intelligence, and prepare for classroom rollout, family engagement, and sustainability in the second year and beyond. To ensure success, schools receive:
- Web-based coaching sessions (3 in year 1 and 2 in year 2)
- Electronic newsletters and a series of webinars
- Access to RULER online platform for all school administrators, faculty, and staff (that includes courses, resources, and tools for staff development, preK-12 classrooms, and family engagement)
- Discount pricing to attend an annual national RULER implementation conference

Donate to Our Center
There are two ways to support.
To sponsor a school or district looking to implement RULER, please contact Rebecca Ouellette directly at 203-432-6802 or
To support the efforts of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, please visit this direct link. The secure site gives you the option to designate the amount of your donation and select where you would like to direct your gift. In the dropdown box, scroll down until you see “Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence,” and click this option.
Alternatively, checks made out to: “Yale University/Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence” may be mailed to:
Yale Child Study Center, Office of Development
Box 7611
New Haven, CT 06519-0611
For questions, please contact James Hagen at 203-432-6802 or