Out-of-School Time Resources

Out-of-School Time (OST) settings, such as recess, before- and after-school programs, and other spaces outside of the academic environment, present unique opportunities for youth to develop social and emotional skills.

Because time in OST settings is less structured than the school day, programs can reinforce skill development that is learned in school and also can introduce new skills and knowledge in ways that do not fit into the traditional school day. For instance, OST experiences provide ample opportunities to spontaneously teach and practice empathy and emotion management skills, which are foundational in creating safe and supportive spaces. Here are resources we have created to enhance these practices in your OST program.


Building Empathy in Out-of-School Time
Developing Emotion Management in Out-of-School Time

For more RULER in OST Resources, please visit https://rulerapproach.org/ost/

Boys & Girls Club Afterschool Programs

In collaboration with Boys & Girls Clubs of America, we have developed a Positive Club Climate toolkit designed to build social and emotional skills in both staff and youth. For more information on how to access these toolkits, please reach out to your local Boys & Girls Club.