RULER adoption begins when a small team from a pre-K to 12 school (at least one leader and two educators or mental health professionals) attends a RULER Training Institute on the principles, skills, and tools of emotional intelligence. Over time, with implementation support, all school staff participate in RULER skill-building activities so they can be role models and knowledgeable implementers of RULER for students and families.
Attending a RULER Institute is the first step for schools (pre-K to 12) looking to implement RULER. Our training institutes focus on building a growth mindset and common language around emotions, skill development in emotional intelligence, and the building and sustaining of positive social and emotional climates where all stakeholders in the school feel empowered to learn, work, and achieve. RULER training is available online and in person several times a year.
View upcoming opportunities below.
6-Week Training
2-Day Training at Yale
Recent research shows that emotionally intelligent leadership creates positive ripple effects for educator well-being. Now, more than ever, schools and districts must cultivate more emotionally intelligent school systems. This two-day symposium is designed for superintendents, SEL directors, principals, and other district and school-level administrators who are committed to growing their emotion skills while enhancing the well-being, engagement, and performance of their staff.
This symposium covers the RULER principles, skills, and tools. Some content will be familiar to attendees already trained in RULER.
Date: July 24 – 25, 2025
Location: Yale University
High schools that enroll in the “RULER for High Schools: Student and Educator Performance and Well-being” study receive: