Support RULER Implementation at your school with a package of services tailored to the needs of your faculty and staff. Sustaining RULER and an “emotions matter” mindset requires commitment, creativity, and patience. RULER offers several supports that align with the specific needs of the school community throughout the phases of implementation. The RULER journey begins with a training package in the first year and continues with an annual subscription in years thereafter.
Training Package
RULER implementation begins when a small team from the school attends a RULER Institute in person or online. The RULER Institute is the first step for bringing RULER to any Prek-12 school. Following training, the RULER Implementation Team (the team who attended RULER training) are responsible for sharing the RULER approach with the school community. Your RULER Implementation Team will have access to two web-based or phone coaching sessions [LINK TO COACHING BELOW] with a RULER coach. Implementation teams also will receive monthly newsletters [LINK TO NEWSLETTERS BELOW] with RULER resources, guidance, and research from the field. Your entire school administration, faculty, and staff will also get access to the RULER Online platform [LINK TO RULER ONLINE BELOW]–a custom one-stop shop for courses, resources, and tools designed for all educators and staff within a school.
The First Year Package fee per school Implementation Team:
Attending the RULER Institute at Yale: $6,000 for a team of 3 + $1,500 per additional participant (up to 2 total)
Attending the RULER Institute Online: $4,000 for a team of 3 + $1,000 per additional participant (up to 2 total)

Annual Subscription (Year 2 and Beyond)
One year after your school’s implementation team attends a RULER Institute, your school has the option to continue taking advantage of the high-quality support available through RULER via our annual subscription. The annual subscription includes options for:
- additional coaching sessions [LINK TO COACHING SESSIONS BELOW]
- continued access to RULER Online for all faculty and staff in your school [LINK TO RULER ONLINE BELOW]
- a classroom implementation planning webinar [LINK TO CLASSROOM IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING WEBINARS BELOW]
- tickets to our annual implementation conference [LINK TO ATTENDANCE AT OUR ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION CONFERENCE BELOW]
Schools can sign up individually for the subscription, or multiple schools can sign up with a single payment at the district level. The ongoing subscription is offered at three different pricing tiers, with different levels of support at each tier. For more information on subscription pricing, please visit our annual subscription page.

District Leader Training
The Seedlings Institute for Educational Leaders is a unique opportunity for superintendents, directors, and other district-level administrators to enhance their own emotional intelligence and to learn how to create system-wide structures to infuse SEL. Participants train together for three days focused on how to become stewards for the change they can bring to their communities by adopting SEL initiatives such as RULER. The training features a variety of interactive and reflective activities that teach the skills of emotional intelligence and the tools developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Seedlings Institute attendees are encouraged to continue their SEL work by having schools in their district invest in RULER implementation.
Apply to our Seedlings Institute for Educational Leaders.

Virtual Coaching Sessions
With our virtual coaching sessions, your Implementation Team can continue to leverage the knowledge and expertise of our RULER coaches. These 1-hour sessions are customized for your school’s needs and assist in continuous improvement along your RULER journey.

Stay connected to our research, keep up to date on the latest from the SEL world, gain access to recommended resources to embolden the ongoing RULER work at your school, and participate in our community-building social media engagement campaigns. RULER newsletters delivered to the inboxes of your school’s Implementation Team will keep you informed and connected.

Classroom Implementation Planning Webinars
Become a more confident ambassador of RULER with our classroom implementation webinars. Offered throughout the academic year and recorded for convenient viewing, these sessions will be offered to the members of your RULER Implementation Team. Choose from sessions that address early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school topics.

Attendance at Our Annual RULER Implementation Conference
Be inspired by dynamic speakers, hear from voices in the field, hone your emotional intelligence skills, and renew your commitment to RULER with our annual Implementation Conference. After your initial RULER training, the Implementation Conference is your opportunity to network, learn, and re-engage in the valuable RULER work happening in your school or district.